Iron my shirt

I don't know whether Hillary Clinton staged the crying exercise to make herself seem more human or not. (I suspect it was a bad call if she did). But I am convinced that the hecklers yelling "iron my shirt" were planted by the Clinton campaign.

I realise that, in the country the size of the US, you can't say that no-one thinks like that any more. There are sure to be a few people. It is even possible that there are two people stupid enough to think that a stunt like this could harm her. What is it they imagine? That millions of Americans will slap their foreheads and say "Of course. She's a woman. And women should be ironing shirts not running the government. Thank goodness someone alerted me to this in time"?

No, I think it is far more likely that this was arranged by FoB (friends of Bill) in order that she can both look tough and play for the sympathy vote at the same time. It may even work. This sort of sexism is just so much more common in the febrile imaginations of Democrat strategists than in reality that it might have a real impact, despite the ridiculously small percentage of people with whom such a slogan actually resonates.

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